RF&EMI magnetic foils, shields, materials, fleces, cables, canopies, mats and Zero Gauss chambers.
RF&EMI magnetic foils, shields, materials, fleces, cables, canopies, mats and Zero Gauss chambers.
Shielded Tent, Shielded Rooms, EMI schielded windows, Shielded honeycomb air vent, RF-Shielded doors, EMI/RFI shielding gaskets, IP65/EMI/EMC sealed gaskets, EPDM conductive gasket EMC/NBC EMI/EMC fingers strip, Electrically conductive silicone gasket, Thermally conductive silicone, Automatic deposition of conductive silicone, EMC electrically conductive paints, Shielding conductive textile fabrics, EMI/EMC conductive mask tape, EMI/EMC schielded bellows, Shielding cables, Radar absorbent materials, Shielding of magnetic fields, Electromagnetic Shielding Tests.
EMC pre-compliance test LISn instruments, EMC probe kit set, near field CISPR25, LISn, TEM Cells; LISn 240V, RF power amplifiers, ESD tools. Environmental sensors and DAQ systems.
Range of T&M instrumentation for EMC/EMI (pre)compliance testing, near field probes and antennas.
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