Company policy

ALL DATA EE d.o.o.


The primary objective of ALL DATA EE d.o.o. is to sell products which comply to the requirements and expectations of the customers, and according to the Environmental and Safety regulations.


The achievement of the above defined objectives involves the full involvement of all personnel, and the full synergy with other production sites of the ALLdata Group of companies.


Any individual, as a part of the Company, must know and understand the tasks that have been entrusted to him, must be personally responsible for the quality of his work and have a duty to engage in the acquisition of the knowledge required to properly conduct his job.


The management of the company is therefore committed to:

  • Ensure that the policies are appropriate to the organization’s purposes.
  • Ensure that it is communicated and understood within the organization through exposure of the document and meeting with staff members.
  • Review the policy at least annually to ensure its continuous suitability.
  • Meeting the requirements and take steps to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Environment Quality System.
  • Provide a method for establishing and reviewing the goals for the Environment Quality System.
  • Ensure to determine and identify hazards and risk assessments, in order to ensure the health and safety of workers and the external population, and not to alter the environmental ecological balance.
  • Update the information about dangers and risks.


The general objectives that the Direction establishes are:

  • Sell market products that meet the regulatory requirements, and contractual specifications agreed with the Customers.
  • Comply with the terms agreed with the customer, including those relating to the activities of delivery and after sales support.
  • Improve the visibility of the company and support the customer also by updating the website.
  • Develop skills with a proper training and qualification of staff members.
  • Provide adequate means for achieving and maintaining the objectives.
  • Work with the parent Company in order to reduce and prevent non-compliances.
  • Improve the Quality and Safety in work spaces.
  • Eliminate risks for people and in order to guarantee the protection of the environment, making use of innovative knowledge and technological progress. If this is not possible, minimize these factors by acting on the causes that generated them.
  • Give priority to collective protective measures with comparison to the individual means of protection.
  • Restrict the use of harmful substances and the number of workers exposed to the resulting risks.
  • Ensure compliance with all legislative requirements regarding the protection of the environment.
  • Promote a proactive attitude towards the fields of Quality and Environment, working with customers and with other interested parties.
  • Promote awareness of environmental issues towards suppliers, favoring the ones with environmental certification ISO 14001.


Following the latest updates regarding the analysis of the context and the evaluation of risks and opportunities, the Senior Management promotes a number of specific activities in the Quality and Environment fields, detailed in their respective improvement plans, and summarized below.


For the Quality field:

  • Optimization of the marketing tools;
  • Optimization of the stock in order to improve service;
  • Improvement of product portfolio and related certifications;


For the Environment field:

  • Health protection of staff members;
  • Reduction of all environmental impacts of the Company;
  • Promotion of eco-friendly solutions;
  • Training and awareness of all personnel inherent to various environmental aspects;


To check the correct application and fulfillment of all of the above tasks the Company Management has appointed a Head of the Quality & Environment System, giving it adequate authority, autonomy and responsibility.


May 14th, 2020



This Policy Statement, signed by the Senior Management, is published on a Company server accessible to all employees, and exposed in business spaces to ensure that all employees and visitors are acquainted with it. As far as external distribution is concerned, a copy of the policy is displayed on the Company website.