Mastering Post-Test Data Processing in Acoustic Testing

M+P International

Mastering Post-Test Data Processing in Acoustic Testing

Direct Field Acoustic Testing – Watch their Webinar to Master Post-Test Data Processing

You set up and executed your Direct Field Acoustic Tests (DFAN) perfectly – now it’s time to analyze the acquired data to ensure that your test adhered to specifications and your test object passed the test without any damages.

There are multiple recommended methods of qualifying post-test data for uniformity, diffusivity, and amplitude. This tutorial explores the range of considerations involved in post-test data processing.

️ What You’ll Learn:
  • Time Processing Overview
  • Octave and Spectral Processing
  • Coherence, Diffusivity, and Uniformity
  • Operating Deflection Shapes from Acoustic Excitation
  • Low-Level Pre-Post Analysis
  • Comparing to Heritage Data


Featured Speakers:

Eric Friedlander​: CTO and Co-Founder of Acoustic Research Systems – Bringing 22 years of professional audio expertise to the realm of DFAN engineering.

Dale Schick: Director of Applications at Acoustic Research Systems – With over 14 years of hands-on experience in Aerospace test engineering.

⏰ Duration: 60 minutes